Pool Rules


Hours 9am - 10:30pm

The lifeguard and security staff have full authority to enforce all safety and sanitary measures deemed necessary for the proper operation of the pool. They are charged with the enforcement of all pool rules and regulations. They do not have the authority to make exceptions to the rules and regulations.

Pool privileges will be revoked by Harmony the Lakes HOA if a homeowner is not current in their HOA dues or if behavior at the pool places him or others in danger. The pool management company, security company, and the Harmony on the Lakes HOA have the right to take legal action if necessary.


  1. The primary function of the lifeguard is to lifeguard, not to discipline or baby-sit. Residents are required to observe all rules, so the lifeguards are free to perform his or her job.


  1. No glass containers are allowed in the pool area.


  1. Boisterous conduct is not permitted in the pool area. This includes running, pushing, playing loud music, using foul language or others acts that would endanger or annoy others.


  1. Alcoholic beverages may not be consumed by anyone under the age of 21. Anyone showing signs of intoxication will be denied use of the facilities and will be subject to suspension or expulsion.


  1. Smoking (including vapor and electronic cigarettes) and tobacco use are prohibited in the rest rooms, in the pool and on the pool deck area. No one should be smoking around anyone under the age of 18.


  1. Everyone using the pool area is responsible for removing their property and disposing of their refuse in the trash containers.


  1.  Persons with open cuts, sores, bandages, colds, coughs or infected eyes are not permitted in the pool.


  1. No pool parties are allowed at the pool.


  1. Residents must be able to present amenities card(pass) upon request. The life guards and security staff along with the HOA will regularly check for pool cards and will require that anyone who is not able to represent their card leave the pool area. It is a violation, subject to the loss of amenity privileges, to knowingly allow entrance to the pool to any individual not authorized to be there.


  1. The gates to the swimming area must always remain locked.



  1. Only four guests per household are allowed at any time. The person with the amenity card for the household is responsible for the behavior of its guests. If the behavior does not follow the pool rules and regulation it is a violation, subject to the loss of amenity privileges.


  1. Proper bathing suit attire shall be worn: NO cutoffs, jeans, G-strings, thongs, etc.


  1. No pets allowed on the pool deck.


  1. No spitting, spouting of water or blowing your nose in the pool.


  1. No ball throwing in the areas of those not participating.


  1. Noise, such as audio equipment and/or voice levels, must be maintained at a minimum volume.


  1. Swimming is prohibited after stated pool hours.


  1. The lifeguards will regulate the use of floating devices and pool toys.


  1. Only the lifeguards are permitted on the lifeguard stands.


  1. The lifeguards are scheduled to take a 15 minute break every hour. Swimming during guard breaks is at your own risk. The HOA, lifeguards and pool company will not be liable for any incidents or accidents that may occur during the guard break. For safety and health reasons, no one under the age of 18 is permitted to use the pool during guard breaks.


  1. All children under the age of three and those children who older but not potty trained are required to wear “swimming diapers” AND tight-fitting rubber pants under their bathing suits always. Swimming diapers and rubber pants should be checked by parents regularly and should be changed promptly if soiled. Absolutely no disposable diapers or pull-ups are allowed in the pool at any time.


  1. The Harmony on the Lakes HOA, lifeguards and security staff are authorized to remove any person violating any of the pool rules and regulations and suspend the right of any violator to use the pool.
  2. No photography is permitted without consent.



Thank you for complying with the rules and regulations. Let’s keep our swimming pool a fun place for all to enjoy!